The Breaking of Bread worship is held every Sunday from 2:00 pm to 2:45 pm in hall 303, with the ministry of God’s Word at the close of the worship from 2:45 pm to 3:15 pm.
擘饼崇拜于星期日下午 2:00 至 2:45 在 303 厅举行,崇拜结束后于下午 2:45 至 3:15 是主日讲道。
The Breaking of Bread Worship is an open worship for believers to remember the person of Christ in His life and ministry, His death, burial, resurrection and ascension and coming again for His people. It is an open worship where any baptised brother being led by the Holy Spirit can exercise their priesthood by giving a hymn, reading a passage of Scripture or offering a prayer of praise before they partake of the bread and cup at the close of the 45 minutes of open worship followed by the ministry of God’s Word given by a gifted Bible teacher. At the same time, the children Sunday school will be available to be conducted in English.
主日擘饼敬拜是以公开敬拜的形式进行,让信徒记念主耶稣基督在祂的生命和事工中的位格、受死、埋葬、复活和升天,以及祂的再来。 所有重生得救了的弟兄在圣灵的带领下,都可以通过提选诗歌赞美、朗读经文记念、和祷告敬拜赞美来行使他们的圣职。 公开敬拜结束后,会由一位有恩赐的圣经教师传讲神的话语。同时,儿童主日学会用英语同步进行。